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[ESPECIAL] Dubladores: Miyuki Sawashiro

Pra quem já assistiu muitos animes provavelmente já deve ter se deparado com uma voz familiar em algum personagem.
Pois bem, há muito seyuus (assim chamados e que significa dubladores, literalmente) japoneses que se destacam nos animes. Seja pelo personagem que faz que acabe sendo marcante, seja pela excelente atuação, conseguindo unir personalidade e voz ao mesmo tempo, seja pela “famosidade”, já que alguns acabam se tornando cantos mesmo, ou apenas lançando algumas musica (vide no ocidente o numero de atrizes que arriscam uma carreira musical, esta nem sempre tão agradável).

Dentro os muitos animes que já vi, acabei criando um carisma por certo dubladores a ponto de assistir uma anime apenas para vê-lo atuando. Acho isso legal pois as vezes você acaba vendo toda a versatilidade de um artista quando ele dubla personagens com personalidades completamente diferentes, ido do bonzinho ai vilão, passando pela criança meiga, o adolescente rebelde, enfim muitos personagens diferentes. Mas as vezes acontece também do seyuu dublar personagens que são parecidíssimos em suas personalidades, e as vezes também até na aparência (calma, vocês já vão entender do que estou falando).
seus vários estilos

Alguns trabalhos de destaque:

Ur, Ultear, Virgo (Fairy Tail)

Yano Ayane (Kimi ni Todoke)
 Suruga Kanbaru (Bakemonogatari)

 Puchiko (Di Gi Charat)
 Shinku (Rozen Maiden)

Celty (Durarara!!)

Seus trabalhos no mundo dos animes que diga-se de passgaem, não são poucos.

Shootfighter Tekken (1990), Akemi Takaishi
Di Gi Charat (1999), Puchiko/Petit Charat, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Di Gi Charat Summer Special (2000), Petit Charat/Puchiko, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Di Gi Charat Christmas Special (2000), Petit Charat/Puchiko, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Di Gi Charat - A Trip to the Planet (2001), Puchiko/Petit Charat, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Di Gi Charat Ohanami Special (2001), Puchiko/Petit Charat, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Galaxy Angel (2001), Mint Blancmanche, Puchiko (ep. 17), Yurippe (ep. 18), Theme Song Performance (OP/ED)
Di Gi Charat Natsuyasumi Special (2001), Petit Charat, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Shiawase Sou no Okojo-san (2001), Kojopii
Kokoro Library (2001), Iina, Kokoro Shindou (ep 11)
Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat (2002), Petit Charat/Puchiko, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Galaxy Angel Z (2002), Mint Blancmanche, Pint, Theme Song Performance (OP/ED)
Pita Ten (2002), Kotarou Higuchi, Theme Song Performance (ED)
EX-Driver the Movie (2002), Angela Ganbino
Princess Tutu (2002), Lamp Spirit (ep 5)
Galaxy Angel A (2002), Mint Blancmanche, Theme Song Performance (OP/ED)
Leave it to Piyoko! (2003), Puchiko
Wolf's Rain (2003), Alchemist C (ep 26)
Kaleido Star (2003), Sophie Oswald
Di Gi Charat Nyo (2003), Petit Charat/Puchiko (Cappuccino), Theme Song Performance (OP 2-3,  2-5)
Please Twins! (2003), Yuuka Yashiro
Cromartie High School (2003), Puchiko (ep 25)
The Galaxy Railways (2003), Berga (Ep. 9), Rifl (Ep. 21)
Peacemaker (2003), Hotaru
Aquarian Age the Movie (2003), Reina Arcturus
Galaxy Angel S (2003), Mint Blancmanche
Saiyuki Gunlock (2004), Child (ep 10)
Keroro Gunso (2004), Girl (ep 20)
Legendz: Yomigaeru Ryuuou Densetsu (2004), English A/Treasurer
Rozen Maiden (2004), Shinku
Galaxy Angel X (2004), Mint Blancmanche, Theme Song Performance (OP/ED 2)
DearS (2004), Khi
Viewtiful Joe (2004), Amy (Ep. 19)
Gunbuster 2 (2004), Tycho Science
Fighting Fantasy Girl Rescue Me: Mave-chan (2005), Two-chan
Best Student Council (2005), Mayura Ichikawa, Theme Song Performance (ED)
Basilisk (2005), Hotarubi, Ogen (young)
D.C.S.S. ~Da Capo Second Season~ (2005), Kanae Kudou
Pani Poni Dash! (2005), Akane Serizawa
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (2005), Xia Yu Lan
Hell Girl (2005), Kanako Sakuragi (ep 23)
Solty Rei (2005), Mii
My-Otome (2005), Sara Gallagher
Rozen Maiden: Träumend (2005), Shinku
Mushi-Shi (2005), Ginko (younger, ep 26), Yoki (ep 12)
Kagihime Monogatari: Eikyū Alice Rondo (2006), Lorina Lilina (Ep 9, 13)
Rakugo Tennyo Oyui (2006), Tae Yanaka
Glass Fleet (2006), Gouda (John-Fall's subordinate), Michel (brother) (10 yrs old)
Hime-sama Goyojin (2006), Sobana Kana
Otogi-Jushi Akazukin (2006), Ibara-hime, Theme Song Performance (ED2)
Welcome to the NHK (2006), Yuu Kusano
Black Blood Brothers (2006), Cassandra Jill Warlock
Galaxy Angel Rune (2006), Mint Blancmanche (ep 7)
Red Garden (2006), Claire Forrest
Ghost Hunt (2006), Kuroda (eps 1-3)
Negima!? (2006), Nekane Springfield, Shichimi, Theme Song Performance (OP8)
My-Otome Zwei (2006), Sara Gallagher
Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre (2006), Shinku
Utawarerumono (2006), Aruru
Winter Garden (2006), Petit Charat/Puchiko (Cappuccino)
Strike Witches (2007), Perrine-H. Clostermann
Les Misérables: Shōjo Cosette (2007), Beatrice
Hidamari Sketch (2007), Announcer (ep 7), Landlady
Nodame Cantabile (2007), Female student B (ep 3), Shinichi Chiaki (young)
Heroic Age (anime) (2007), Rekti Rekuu
Kishin Taisen Gigantic Formula (2007), Kana Kamishiro
Bakugan Battle Brawlers (2007), Jenny/Kani, Chan Lee
Kamichama Karin (2007), Kazune Kujyou
Sky Girls (2007), Yuuki Sakurano
Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei (2007), Maria Tarō Sekiutsu, Theme Song Performance (OP)
Naruto Shippūden (2007), Shizuku
Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku (2007), Hagino Senkōji
Suteki Tantei Labyrinth (2007), Mayuki Hyūga
Dragonaut -The Resonance- (2007), Akira Souya, Laura
Goshūshō-sama Ninomiya-kun (2007), Reika Hōjō, Theme Song Performance (OP/ED)
Shugo Chara! (2007), Yoru, Shōta (ep 34), X-Chara/X-Egg, X-Diamond/Impurified Diamond, Yū Nikaidō (young), Ikuto Tsukiyomi (young)
Appleseed: Ex Machina (2007), Hitomi
Zoku Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei (2008), Maria Tarō Sekiutsu, Theme Song Performance (OP/ED)
Persona -trinity soul- (2008), Jun Kanzato, Yuki Kanzato (ep 20), Ryō Kanzato (child) (ep 15)
Kure-nai (2008), Shinkurō Kurenai
Wagaya no Oinarisama. (2008), Zashiko Warashiko (ep 12)
Glass Maiden (2008), Kirie
Library War (2008), Asako Shibasaki
Chiko, Heiress of the Phantom Thief (2008), Nozomi Kayama
Hidamari Sketch × 365 (2008), Landlady
Strike Witches (2008), Perrine-H. Clostermann, Theme Song Performance (ED7, ED9, ED11, ED 12)
Antique Bakery (2008), Kidnapped Child (ep 11)
Natsume Yūjin-Chō (2008), Jun Sasada, Female High School Student (ep 10), Female relative (ep 1)
World Destruction: Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin (2008), Maaya (ep 7)
Eve no Jikan (2008), Chie
Hakushaku to Yōsei (2008), Jimmy (ep 8-12)
Yozakura Quartet (2008), Kotoha Isone
Linebarrels of Iron (2008), Satoru Yamashita
Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (2008), Tsugumi Aoba, Jin Mikuriya (young)
Shugo Chara!! Doki— (2008), Yoru, Nazotama
Nodame Cantabile: Paris (2008), Chiaki Shinichi (childhood)
Maria Holic (2008), Dorm Leader aka God aka Boss
Touhou Musou Kakyou (2008), Marisa Kirisame
CANAAN (2009), Canaan
Dragon Ball Z Kai (2009), Spacecraft Computer (eps 29, 31)
Tatakau Shisho (2009), Mirepoc
Tegami Bachi (2009), Lag Seeing
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom (2009), Drei/Cal Devens
Tears to Tiara (2009), Lidia/Lydia
Zoku Natsume Yūjin-Chō (2009), Jun Sasada
Bakemonogatari (2009), Suruga Kanbaru
Zan Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei (2009), Maria Tarō Sekiutsu
Kokoro Library: Communication Clips (????), Iina
Kimi ni Todoke (2009), Ayane Yano
Fairy Tail (2009), Ultear, Virgo, Ur
Durarara!! (2010), Celty Sturluson
Angel Beats! (2010), Masami Iwasawa
Arakawa Under the Bridge (2010), Maria, Theme Song Performance
Bakugan Battle Brawlers New Vestroia (2010), Chan Lee
Black Rock Shooter (2010), Dead Master / Yomi Takanashi
Highschool of the Dead (2010), Saeko Busujima
Strike Witches 2 (2010), Perrine-H. Clostermann
The Legend of the Legendary Heroes (2010), Carne Kywell
Tegami Bachi Reverse (2010), Lag Seeing
Nurarihyon no Mago (2010), Yosuzume
Beelzebub (2011), Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV
Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season (2011), Ayane Yano
Gosick (2011), Cordelia Gallo
A Channel (2011), Ms. Kamade
Softenni (2011), Amachi Leo

[ESPECIAL] Dubladores: Miyuki Sawashiro [ESPECIAL] Dubladores: Miyuki Sawashiro Reviewed by cassio on 10:43 Rating: 5

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