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Joguinho vicio: learn to fly 2 Joguinho vicio: learn to fly 2 Reviewed by Say-chan on 23:26 Rating: 5
Confirmado: Ao No Exorcist Terá Filme Confirmado: Ao No Exorcist Terá Filme Reviewed by LelaaLua on 21:02 Rating: 5
Live Streaming: Nikita 2x02 "Falling Ash" Live Streaming: Nikita 2x02 "Falling Ash" Reviewed by Fernanda Mikaella on 19:47 Rating: 5
Assista On line: The secret circle 1x03 “Loner” [Legendado] Assista On line: The secret circle 1x03 “Loner” [Legendado] Reviewed by Rosa Ross on 19:28 Rating: 5
Assista On Line: The Vampire Diaries 3x03 "The End of the Affair" [Legendado] Assista On Line: The Vampire Diaries 3x03 "The End of the Affair" [Legendado] Reviewed by CamilaRossi on 18:44 Rating: 5
Novidades sobre o game Assassin's Creed Revelations para PC Novidades sobre o game Assassin's Creed Revelations para PC Reviewed by Wishmaster on 16:51 Rating: 5
Katy Perry divulga duas capas do seu novo single Katy Perry divulga duas capas do seu novo single Reviewed by Rosa Ross on 15:55 Rating: 5
Assista On line: The big bang theory 5x03 “The Pulled Groin Extrapolation” [Legendado] Assista On line: The big bang theory  5x03 “The Pulled Groin Extrapolation” [Legendado] Reviewed by LoGaNxD on 15:43 Rating: 5
Live Streaming: Supernatural 7x02 "Hello Cruel World" Live Streaming: Supernatural 7x02 "Hello Cruel World" Reviewed by Robson Morgan on 13:59 Rating: 5
Atividade Paranormal 3 - Estreia 21/10/2011 Atividade Paranormal 3 - Estreia 21/10/2011 Reviewed by jtdowloads on 13:07 Rating: 5
Promo: The Mentalist 4x03 "Pretty Red Balloon" Promo: The Mentalist 4x03 "Pretty Red Balloon" Reviewed by CamilaRossi on 11:01 Rating: 5
Promo: The Secret Circle 1x04 "Heather" Promo: The Secret Circle 1x04 "Heather" Reviewed by Robson Morgan on 08:54 Rating: 5
Promo: The Vampire Diaries Promo 3x04 "Disturbing Behavior" Promo: The Vampire Diaries Promo 3x04 "Disturbing Behavior" Reviewed by Robson Morgan on 08:44 Rating: 5
Confira: Vampire Prosecutor novo drama da OCN Confira: Vampire Prosecutor novo drama da OCN Reviewed by Anônimo on 08:08 Rating: 5
Relógio no Japão mostra as horas usando água Relógio no Japão mostra as horas usando água Reviewed by Say-chan on 22:34 Rating: 5
Live Streaming:The Mentalist 4X02 "Little Red Book" Live Streaming:The Mentalist 4X02 "Little Red Book" Reviewed by Henrique S.N on 22:17 Rating: 5
Sherlock holmes - Estreia 13 de Janeiro de 2012 Sherlock holmes - Estreia 13 de Janeiro de 2012 Reviewed by jtdowloads on 21:57 Rating: 5
Live Streaming: The Secret Circle 1x03 "Loner" Live Streaming: The Secret Circle 1x03 "Loner" Reviewed by Henrique S.N on 21:36 Rating: 5
Supernatural: Confira descrição oficial do episodio 7x05 "Shut Up Dr. Phil" Supernatural: Confira descrição oficial do episodio 7x05 "Shut Up Dr. Phil" Reviewed by LoGaNxD on 20:55 Rating: 5
Kevin Williamson desenvolve projeto piloto sobre um Serial Killer Kevin Williamson desenvolve projeto piloto sobre um Serial Killer Reviewed by LoGaNxD on 20:55 Rating: 5
LeachProject: 19º Capitulo do Densetsu no Senshi o/ LeachProject: 19º Capitulo do Densetsu no Senshi o/ Reviewed by Wishmaster on 20:53 Rating: 5
modelo japonesa batizou seu filho como Portgas D. Ace personagem de One Piece ~ ;D modelo japonesa batizou seu filho como Portgas D. Ace personagem de One Piece ~ ;D Reviewed by LelaaLua on 20:26 Rating: 5
Live Streaming: The Big Bang Theory 5x03 "The Pulled Groin Extrapolation" Live Streaming: The Big Bang Theory 5x03 "The Pulled Groin Extrapolation" Reviewed by Robson Morgan on 19:19 Rating: 5
Live Streaming: The Vampire Diaries 3x03 "The End of The Affair" Live Streaming: The Vampire Diaries 3x03 "The End of The Affair" Reviewed by Robson Morgan on 19:03 Rating: 5
Promo: Two and a Half Men 9x03 "Big Girls Don't Throw Food" Promo: Two and a Half Men 9x03 "Big Girls Don't Throw Food" Reviewed by CamilaRossi on 14:18 Rating: 5
Noel Gallagher faz críticas à Lady Gaga Noel Gallagher faz críticas à Lady Gaga Reviewed by Rosa Ross on 11:15 Rating: 5
Primeira versão Dance de A-Cha do Super Junior Primeira versão Dance de A-Cha do Super Junior Reviewed by Anônimo on 08:02 Rating: 5
The Walking Dead retorna com websérie! The Walking Dead retorna com websérie! Reviewed by Henrique S.N on 21:09 Rating: 5
Novidades sobre os cinco DVDs de Naruto pela Playarte ~ ;D Novidades sobre os cinco DVDs de Naruto pela Playarte ~ ;D Reviewed by LelaaLua on 21:05 Rating: 5
"The Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen" Chega ao Brasil em novembro "The Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen" Chega ao Brasil em novembro Reviewed by Henrique S.N on 21:02 Rating: 5
David Guetta vem ao Brasil David Guetta vem ao Brasil Reviewed by Rosa Ross on 17:29 Rating: 5
Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary é lançado hoje! =D Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary é lançado hoje! =D Reviewed by Wishmaster on 17:19 Rating: 5
SHINee libera segundo teaser da versão japonesa de Lúcifer SHINee libera segundo teaser da versão japonesa de Lúcifer Reviewed by Anônimo on 08:17 Rating: 5
Confira novo trailer de Mashiro-iro Symphony – Love Is Pure White ~ ;D Confira novo trailer de Mashiro-iro Symphony – Love Is Pure White ~ ;D Reviewed by LelaaLua on 23:13 Rating: 5
Video Promocional do Novo OVA de Ikkitousen Video Promocional do Novo OVA de Ikkitousen Reviewed by Fernanda Mikaella on 22:35 Rating: 5
Ranma ½: Tudo Sobre o Live Action! Ranma ½: Tudo Sobre o Live Action! Reviewed by Say-chan on 21:49 Rating: 5
Promo: Gossip Girl 5x02 "Beauty and The Feast" Promo: Gossip Girl 5x02 "Beauty and The Feast" Reviewed by CamilaRossi on 20:47 Rating: 5
Sony aprova iniciativa da Microsoft Sony aprova iniciativa da Microsoft Reviewed by Wishmaster on 19:32 Rating: 5
Os 3 Mosqueteiros em 3D - Estreia em 12/10/2011 Os 3 Mosqueteiros em 3D - Estreia em  12/10/2011 Reviewed by jtdowloads on 17:34 Rating: 5
Novo DVD do MBLAQ chega ao japão em dezembro Novo DVD do MBLAQ chega ao japão em dezembro Reviewed by Anônimo on 11:24 Rating: 5
Confira primeira parte de Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight ~ ;D Confira primeira parte de Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight ~ ;D Reviewed by LelaaLua on 19:53 Rating: 5
Confira nova Promo de Supernatural "Don't Drink the Water" Confira nova Promo de Supernatural "Don't Drink the Water" Reviewed by Robson Morgan on 19:02 Rating: 5
RPG Online de "Star Wars" tem lançamento marcado pra dezembro! RPG Online de "Star Wars" tem lançamento marcado pra dezembro! Reviewed by Wishmaster on 18:17 Rating: 5
sneak Peek: Supernatural 7x02, Hello Cruel World sneak Peek: Supernatural 7x02, Hello Cruel World Reviewed by Robson Morgan on 18:12 Rating: 5
Criadores de Supernatural e Lost unidos em nova série Criadores de Supernatural e Lost unidos em nova série Reviewed by Rosa Ross on 15:52 Rating: 5
Super Junior revela MV de "A-Cha" Super Junior revela MV de "A-Cha" Reviewed by Anônimo on 08:42 Rating: 5
Promo: Supernatural 7x02 "Hello, Cruel World" [2] Promo: Supernatural 7x02 "Hello, Cruel World" [2] Reviewed by CamilaRossi on 01:02 Rating: 5
Promo: Breaking Bad 4x12 "End Times" Promo: Breaking Bad 4x12  "End Times" Reviewed by CamilaRossi on 00:49 Rating: 5
mangá Code: Breaker será adaptado para anime ~ ;D mangá Code: Breaker será adaptado para anime ~ ;D Reviewed by LelaaLua on 19:10 Rating: 5
B2ST revelou o MV para a musica “I Like You The Best”. A musica pertence ao quarto mini-álbum da banda “Lights Go On Again“.
Confira o novo MV do B2ST Confira o novo MV do B2ST Reviewed by Anônimo on 18:18 Rating: 5
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